During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government started many mortgage forbearance programs, which involved putting unpaid mortgage amounts at the end of the loan without collecting interest. Many people signed up for this because it was an excellent deal. The VA had a similar program to this, but then it suddenly ended. Suddenly, borrowers who heard […]
What to do if you get a 1099 for your 2022 California Middle Class Tax Refund. Is It Taxable Income on Federal Returns?
California’s may be surprised to receive a 1099 if they received more than $600 in State “Middle Class Tax Refunds” in late 2022.. And some Californians may be surprised to receive the news that they were given such payments! Because many people never even opened what look like junk mail when the State of California […]
Coronavirus Public Health Emergency (PHE) officially ending in May 2023. What this means for consumers.
The Biden administration plans to let the coronavirus public health emergency expire in May. This will have some real-world effects on some ordinary Americans who have received free Covid tests, free vaccines and treatments, and so forth, none of which will necessarily be free after the end of the emergency. The government is keeping some […]
Obamacare Signups Begin Under New COVID Special Enrollment Period
Starting February 15, 2021, uninsured Americans in every state can use a COVID-related enrollment period to get covered under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Child Custody and the Coronavirus Crisis: Three Things to Know
As parents face child custody and visitation issues during the coronavirus crisis, most legal experts recommend sticking to a few fundamental principles.
New Unemployment Benefits Under the Coronavirus Stimulus Package
Congress has passed a $2 trillion stimulus package including new unemployment benefits for those out of work due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Coronavirus Scams: How to Avoid Them
Be alert to emails, phone calls, and text message that promise you coronavirus or COVID-19 help or information, including these known scams.